Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Picasner would not be as vocal on this subject if there were valid facts to backup Maz's election to the Hall.

Lets take the "facts" one at a time:
Mazeroski - 17 seasons
Player A - 11 seasons
Player B - 12 seasons

Maz - 10 time All-Star
Player A - 9 time All-Star
Player B - 8 Time All-Star

Maz - 2 time MVP - Nope. NEVER won MVP
Player A - 0
Player B - 0

Maz - 8 Gold Gloves
Player A - 8 Gold Gloves
Player B - 8 Gold Gloves

By the way, Mazeroski's career OBP was .299 and 8 of his 10 WS hits came in the 1960 Series.

Pretty similar stats, however, neither Player A or B is in the Hall of Fame. Guess it's the Veterans Committee whose view is distorted.

A is Billy Martin, B is Bobby Richardson.


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