Sunday, December 02, 2012


Headline on Roadrunner facepage: 5 REASONS TO WATCH SOCCER.

I believe these are three of them.

** So far, the Yanks have three wins and one loss. Pettitte, Rivera and Kuroda are back, Russell Martin is gone. Wallace Matthews, ESPN thinks there might be something more to Martin's departure than just money. Girardi did his best to keep Martin and Sabathia from teaming up, and even though Martin claimed it wasn't a problem, Matthews thinks that he may have had a little more resentment than he showed. I guess you can find all kinds of reasons if you try hard enough.

** Lets not forget that the Veteran's Committee also gets to elect a member to the Hall of Fame. This years list of candidates is not all that impressive, but there are some recognizable names on the list. Bucky Walters was a pitcher mostly for the Cincinnati Reds during the 40's. He ended up with 198 wins, but was a heck of a hitter, too. He hit 23 homers in about 2000 at bats. Then there's Marty Marion, shortstop for the Cardinals during the same period. Marion played only 13 years, had 1400+ hits and a .263 career average. He supposedly was a great shortstop but he did make 252 errors. By comparison, Derek Jeter has 241 errors in 18 seasons. Finally, there's Jacob Ruppert, former Owner of the Yankees back in the 20's. Other than screwing the Red Sox out of Babe Ruth (which puts him in MY personal HOF), I don't see that he warrants entry either. Sorry guys.

** Buster Olney has stated in his blog that he will continue to vote for Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGwire and Palmeiro, because he believes they were "...the best players up for election." He should probably add that they had the most help.  Here's my comment:
"I'm very disappointed in you, Mr. Olney. If a player cheats, how can you be sure that he WAS the best player? Please don't forget that character and sportsmanship are two measures to be considered when voting for someone. They knew they were doing something illegal or they would have acknowledged openly that they had artificial help.."

** Brian Cashman is again going to rappel down a building to help celebrate a holiday event in Stamford, Connecticut. He will be accompanied this time by Bobby Valentine. Because the event is in New England, there is some question as to whether Valentine will be allowed to use a rope.

** I'm not into college football, but last night's game between Georgia and Alabama for the SEC Championship was one of the best I've ever seen.  It was like two heavyweight fighters taking turns beating on one another. Last man standing - Alabama.

" Scientists say video evidence collected last year proves fetuses yawn hundreds of times in the womb. Thousands of times if Mom is a Maple Leafs fan"  -- RJ Currie
 "A little perspective, please? SF Chronicle story about SF 49ers QB Alex Smith is headlined “Playing well and then a cruel twist of fate.” Uh, I have no doubt Smith is disappointed to be demoted, but he’s young, healthy and making $5 million this year – Life could be a lot worse."  -- Janice Hough
"IKEA is celebrating its 25th anniversary in Britain. To mark the occasion, the British government presented IKEA with an unassembled plaque."  -- Brad Dickson
"Did I really just side with David Stern? Isn't that like rooting for shark in 'Jaws'?"  -- Mike Bianchi
"Phoenix — the country's No. 1 move-to destination from 2000 to 2009 — is suddenly experiencing a dramatic falloff in people wanting to relocate there, Forbes magazine reported. Especially top-notch NFL quarterbacks."  -- Dwight Perry
"The Chicago Bears Brendan Marshall says that NFL players are using Viagra as a PED. The NFL, where men are men and cheerleaders are nervous."  -- TC Chong
" The names Bonds, Clemens and Sosa are on the new baseball Hall of Fame ballot. The goal: drive Pete Rose completely bonkers."  -- Brad Dickson



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