Thursday, December 27, 2012

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Snork!

If the Yankee off-season gets any more boring… A fat photo of Derek Jeter has been the most exciting development since October and there’s no indication that’s going to change.

A-Rod is falling apart. Big whoop.

Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera have signed on for one more year – for the 34th time.

The Yankees managed to get a little bit older and a lot less pretty with a single signing. Yes, that would be Kevin Youkilis.

The greatest controversy is which of three marginal major leaguers will be the Yankee catcher. That could be even less pretty than a Youkilis FatHead poster.

Ah well, we have the ever optimistic Chad to find the positive in this miasma of retreads, soon-to-be-remember-whens, and those who never were.

In the meantime, I’m off to Lord & Taylor to stuff a few things into my backpack before heading south for sun, surf, golf and a first-hand look at the Adventures of Wingnut Man, Rick Scott.

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