Monday, November 19, 2012

Yanks Sweep 2014 World Series

The Evil Empire is ready to become an adjunct of one of the slimiest, corrupt, international organizations of the early 21st century. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is expected to announce this week that it will acquire a 49% stake in the YES Network from the New York Yankees baseball team and its partners in a deal that would value the sports channel at $3 billion.

The deal is structured to allow News Corp to eventually acquire control of the channel, which broadcasts Yankees baseball games to 15 million subscribers.

The deal would allow YES to raise the $2.99 monthly fee per subscriber it currently charges cable and satellite operators to carry the channel.

Oh boy! That’s great news, especially if YES will be managed similarly to Murdoch’s American centerpiece, FoxNews(????). No need for the Yankees to play 3+ hour-long games with $200 million rosters of under-performing 40-is-the-new-20 players in billion-dollar taxpayer supported ball parks. Like Fox, YES can simply make stuff up, like scores and standings, and report it as fact!

I really enjoyed the Bombers’ sweeps in the 2013 and 2014 World Series, but most impressive was Derek Jeter winning the Triple Crown, both the Al and NL MVP, Gold Gloves and Cy Young awards at age 50. 

All this and the opportunity to put money into Rupert’s pocket so he can spy, lie, cheat and steal on an ever grander scale.

The Boss would be proud. 


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