In the last two weeks
Mitt Romney has officially become The Most Hated Man in America. Republican
pundits and senior party leaders have fallen all over themselves trashing Mitt
for everything from running a lousy campaign (in which all of the
aforementioned vigorously participated) to representing Republicans as “The
Party of the Stupid” (thank Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) for that). Strange
that Jindal was in a Mitt bro-mance and positioning himself for a cabinet spot
in a Mitt administration prior to the election night thumping.
While I thought it a bit
odd that a party would eat its own, we are talking about a really nasty bunch
of dudes. You know, Mitch McConnell, the senate minority leader who said,
immediately after Obama was elected in 2008, that the most important issue
facing the party was to make sure Obama was a one term president. And this is
the same guy who invoked the filibuster over 300 times to stop as much
legislation as possible to make that happen – at the expense of the well being
of the country. And he was joined by Curmudgeon in Chief John McCain, the man
so impressed by Sarah Palin’s resume (how the hell was that possible?) that he
chose to put her finger one heart attack away from the nuclear button if he had
been able to win – and then has never been able to forgive Obama for handing Team Red a much deserved loss.
But to throw the Mitt
under the bus days right after the election after tagging it The Most Important
Election of Our Lifetime? I wondered what was up with that, until today.
Today I found Mitt’s
kiss of death, the real reason he lost the election. Why did he lose in all the
battle ground states (excluding a razor’s edge win in NC)? Campaign
contributions, plain and simple. Not the hundreds of millions of shady Super
PAC money that flowed in from mysterious sources but the money that came from
the previously Most Hated Man America – A-Rod.
Yes. A-Rod supported the
Mitt. It’s one thing to embrace the support of a truly deranged Donald Trump or
revel in the bile spewed from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. But take an A-Rod
contribution and baby, you are toast.
Thank you, A-Rod. I
expect boos will turn to cheers when you play in parks across America. While you
did little to help the Yankees you have perhaps saved the country.
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