Thursday, March 31, 2011


***YANKS WIN, 6-3***

Opening day covered all the bases: The Yanks won, hit a couple of homers and Mariana closed it out. It was a typical early spring game at the Stadium - the wind blew, they had a little sprinkle and the $2000 premium seats were mostly empty.

Granderson had an outstanding game, two great catches, a home run and the fastest talking interview I've ever seen.

Even Michael Kay was in mid-season form, crediting Teixeira with only a two-run homer instead of three. That's okay, Michael, we didn't need the extra run.

The home plate umpire continued their 'policy' of being unable to call an outside pitch correctly. Even the Official Scorer got into the act. Okay, the Tiger pitchers gave poor Alex Avila a tough time the whole game, but when a pitch right down the middle goes through the catchers legs, that's a passed ball. If he hadn't touched it with his glove, Alex may have ended up with a higher voice than when the inning started.

By the way, A-Rod, hit the home run first, THEN you can style & profile. You should have had a triple.


The White Sox open in Cleveland tomorrow and about 5 inches of snow fell last night. The grounds crew is shoveling by hand to preserve the turf. Ozzie is not crazy about playing the game in that weather: "Very stupid to play in Cleveland right now." You can always count on Ozzie to brighten up a posting.


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