Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen

Glenn Beck opined that "... God dropped a sandbag on my head" prompting Herr Beck to change his planned political extravaganza in Washington to a religious revival. Well, that certainly explains Beck's delusional ranting.

In baseball news, The Yankees and Rays both won last night proving what I long suspected. God is a snowbird. Sorry Boston, he's obviously not on on your side. Get rid of all your gays, Muslims, democrat commies, freedom-haters, and anyone taking the 2nd amendment seriously and the Sox can get right back in the pennant chase.

I am concerned that Picasner has intimate knowledge about the kind of jock strap that the Twins recently acquired pitcher wears and how he wears said strap. Need I remind him that this is a family oriented site?

Just a case of painstaking research -

How painful was it? (You should thank me for setting you up with this "straight" line).

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