Monday, July 02, 2012

So What. Who Cares? Big Deal.

So the Texas Rangers have seven players on the AL All-star roster including a couple of guys that actually deserve it. The "Deservers" (in honor of sour puss Nolan Ryan's BFF, George W. "English is Not My Native Language" Bush) do not include Rangers' catcher Mike Napoli, currently hitting a pitcher-frightening .235. And, in spite of the excellent year closer Joe nathan is having, the Yankee's Rafael Soriano, not on the roster, is having a better one with 18 saves in 19 attempts and a 1.78 era - better than Nathan - in a much stronger division.

But Yankee fans can take solace in that six Yankees have been selected for the mid-summer classic - and only a Texas yahoo would consider it relevant that one of those will be representing Cleveland and another Pittsburgh.


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