Sunday, February 13, 2011


Don't look for too much insight into the teams yet. This early in Spring Training there will be a lot of players with 3-digit numbers on their backs.

So the Super Bowl broadcast caught Cameron Diaz feeding popcorn to A-Rod. Big deal. It isn't like they caught him licking the butter off her fingers. Actually, the person most upset about this is A-Rod himself. Wake up, Alex. You're a million-dollar ballplayer, sitting in the stands with a beautiful movie star at one of the biggest sports events of the year. What did you think they were going to show? John Madden stuffing a hot dog in his mouth? Nope! Not even if Madden accidentally bit off a finger at the same time. A real possibility, by the way.

There were so many, it could take longer than the pre-game show to list them all.

From Janice Hough: "Only 363 days until Super Bowl XLVI. (Feb, 5, 2012) I hear the pre-game show starts next week."
From Argus Hamilton: "There were no cheerleaders at this year's Super Bowl: because Ben Roethlisberger's restraining order says 500 feet."

Even though she's a former Mickey Mouse Club Mouseketeer, blowing the words to the National Anthem is probably what cost Christina Aguilera the "I'm going to Disneyland" commercial.

Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, couldn't get anything right for the SuperBowl event. First, his Cowboys didn't make it, then he lost 1250 seats that were purchased, because he didn't get clearance from the Fire Marshall resulting in numerous law suits. Lastly, he cost taxpayers over $450,000 by having four Navy F-18s fly over the game. The problem? The retractable roof was closed and no one in the stadium saw them.

...but It might not be. From Brad Dickson:
"Wake Forest baseball coach Tom Walter donated a kidney to one of his players. The NCAA promptly opened an investigation and on Friday banned Wake Forest from postseason play and ordered that the kidney be returned to the coach."
With the NCAA, you can't be sure.


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