Friday, May 29, 2009


I won't tell you the name but it ain't good.

Rookie umpire Todd Tichenor had the 'grand slam' of ejections last night. He threw out the Twins catcher and the Twins manager on the same play. Being fair-minded, he promptly tossed the Red Sox catcher and manager in the bottom of the same inning. He made a call on a tag play at home, and though it was close, it appeared he made a mistake. When the catcher objected, he immediately threw him out. Ron Gardenhire, the Twins manager, had gone out to argue the play, but too late. By the time he arrived, the catcher was gone and when Tichenor saw Gardenhire, he was gone, too.

In the bottom of the inning, Varitek was booted for arguing a the call of a pitch. Franconia hurried out but he didn't have to rush: Tichenor had a thumb ready for him, too.

If that wasn't bad enough, crew chief Jerry Layne approved of Tichenor's handling of the affair. "He handled it the way I like to see a person handle it. He didn't let the game get out of control..." Bulls***. The game was never out of control, just Tichenor. He threw out anybody who came within 20 feet of him. Todd, go back to the Pacific Coast league...and take Jerry Layne with you.

I continue to be amazed at how sef-important these guys act and are allowed to get away with it.

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