Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thanks, Mike (or is it Dick?)

Thanks to "Mike" (how could that possibly be anyone's real name?), a reader of Picasner At Large, who is unhappy with my suggestion that Yankee pitchers protect their own and that they trust the wise and fair judgement of the umpires in all things. I particularly want to thank him for pointing out that 1st base is on the fair side of the foul line. I am humbly reminded of the depth of baseball knowledge and human sensitivity that all of our many (well, three or four) readers bring to the Picasner Experience.

In an effort to remain "Fair and Balanced", I would like to invite "Mike" (who is hiding behind this bogus moniker?) to meet with Cliff Floyd, Brian Roberts, and Mark Teixeira out behind Picasner At Large World Headquarters so he can explain to them why it is their fault for getting in the way of base runners running to 1st outside the base runners box. I can guarantee "Mike" (I think it's really Dick Cheney) an attentive audience.

The following is a personal note to "Mike" (or Hugo Chavez in drag?), so everyone else stop reading. Mike or Dick or Hugo, if you're going to continue to waste your time reading this drivel and, worse yet, actually respond to one of our mindless rants, you have well earned a spot in the Horse's Ass Hall of Fame. Thank you, sir. I am deeply moved.


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