Saturday, August 30, 2014


Chad and his better half are resting in lovely Ventura, California. We just watched the Yankee/Toronto game. Since it's 12:30 p.m. here and the game is on at 1:00 p.m. back east, I won't ruin it for you people by telling you the result.
(I know, I know, I just said that to mess with Annie-O)

** So the big gamble with Tanaka looks like a bad decision right now. If he really has a problem, we won't be seeing him pitch until 2016. Money well spent, eh Cashman?

** The Dodgers lost last night in spite of a 5-man infield shift employed by LA. Vin Scully said he'd never seen that before, but Yankee and Red Sox fans will remember a Yankee classic game where Sox manager Terry Francona employed this defense in the 12th inning. It didn't work for Terry either.

**Interestingly in that game, the Dodgers used 20 players and the Padres used 19.  That's National League baseball for you. Between pinch-hitters and double-switches, this kind of thing happens often. Maybe it wouldn't if the managers had to play two in a row instead of sitting in the dugout.

**I see that Jacob Ellsbury hurt his ankle trying to tag home plate. The "blocking the plate" rule hasn't stopped this and it's actually created another argument: is the catcher blocking the plate or not?  Why don't they just insist that players MUST slide into home plate. You'll still get some injuries, but those violent collisions will stop.

**We saw a game in Colorado's Coors Field and noticed how quiet the crowd was. We don't know if they are just reserved or mellow from some of that "special" herb that is available there. We didn't see any at the concession stands. though.

**Tomorrow, we're attending a game at Angels' Stadium. I've already been warned not to wear green. Red is preferable. I'm going to wear my Yankee visor, so if you see someone being thrown out of the upper deck down the left field line, I wouldn't expect anymore blog out of Chad Picasner.

**Because he's retiring, we are now hearing what a GREAT commissioner Bunglin' Bud Selig is. If that's true, explain this: On Thursday, MLB announced Sept. 14’s Yankees-Orioles Sunday 1:35 p.m. start has been switched to an 8:05 p.m. start for ESPN. Think what that does to the plans of both O’s and Yanks fans who bought tickets to that game.  So instead of getting your child home by five or six o'clock, they'll get there by 1:00 a.m. Thank you, Bud,

"Reader Tom Neuberger would like to see college and pro football ban the “freeze the field goal kicker timeout because it reeks of bad sportsmanship.” Agreed, Tom, but that ship sailed then sank with home-plate posing."  -- Phil Mushnick
"ESPN apologized for a report on Michael Sam's showering habits. This is even too stupid for the Fox NFL pregame show."  --  Brad Dickson
"The only way marijuana is a performance-enhancing drug is if somebody puts a Hershey bar on the goal line."  -- Argus Hamilton
"Suspended Jets cornerback Dimitri Patterson denied he was AWOL during the team’s exhibition game last Friday, but refused to reveal what he was actually doing.
Though we can safely rule out diving off a balcony to save his drowning nephew."  -- Dwight Perry
"Dodgers LF Scott Van Slyke sprained his ankle yesterday night while playing in Arizona, and claimed it was because “They’ve got bad grass here.” Dude!   You want good grass, sign with the Colorado Rockies."  -- Janice Hough
"The NFL has fined Broncos QB Peyton Manning $8,268 for taunting during a game last week vs Houston. After some quick calculating, Manning sent Commissioner Roger Goodell’s office 636 and a 1/2 large Papa Johns pizzas in payment."  -- Tony Chong
"Yankees catcher Francisco Cervelli took a nasty foul ball on his family jewels that took him a while to recover from. His agent immediately signed him up as an understudy for the lead role of Frankie Valli of the Four Seasons in the Broadway show Jersey Boys."  -- Tony Chong


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