Sacre bleu! Derek Jeter and Minka Kelly have recently been spotted cavorting in Paris. Derek was touring the Maginot Line with his newly reconciled sweetie pie in hopes of picking up some ideas for defending his Florida compound from the prying eyes of, well, everyone. (If you are under 65 please feel free to google "Maginot Line" for context.)
The Denver Bronco's third straight loss may signal the beginning of the end for cult hero Tim Tebow as an NFL quarterback. While neither team put up 300 yards of total offense, Tebow's 6 - 22 for 5o passing yards and a 20.6 QB rating was both sad and baffling. I applaud the Broncos for following the advice of Skip “He-Who-Really-Should –Never-Be-Named” Bayless, i.e. “UNLEASH TEBOW”, and proving, once again, that Skip Bayless is an idiot. However, if anyone decides to run the single wing as their primary offensive set, Tim is their man.
This week The So What, Who Cares Bowl (aka the Iowa caucuses) kicks off our interminable presidential election season. Just a reminder to anyone who mistakenly believes they are in any way significant - more people attend a Penn State football game in Happy Valley than will cast votes in the caucuses.
Nothing new in Dallas to begin the year. Once again, the Cowboys will watch the post-season from the comfort of their own mansions. Note to Rob Ryan: Rob, you really need to listen to more Jimmy Buffet music. Remember Rob, "If you ever have a chance to go to Dallas, take it from me pass it by."
Think Peace in 2012 – especially on election day.
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