Friday, January 06, 2012

HE'S BACK!!! and more interesting than any recent Yankee news

Our boy is about to play Bury the Hatchet and is taking aim at W. Mitt(?) Romney's head. Today, a Super-PAC associated with the Newt outbid all comers for the rights to a scathing 30-minute attack video depicting Romney as a greedy, job-killing corporate raider "more ruthless than Wall Street."

The video, When (W.)Mitt(?) Romney Came to Town, focuses on Romney's tenure as CEO of Bain Capital, a private investment firm, where W. Mitt(?) made millions exploiting "dozens of American businesses" and "the thousands of employees that worked there."

W. Mitt is about to learn that it's safer to juggle with high explosives than go negative on Newt as he did in Iowa. No, W. Mitt.. You're not in Iowa anymore.

Note: Isn't it ironic that W. Mitt(?) is a leading contender for NEWT of the Month?

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