...but slowly and sporadically, so let's clear up some back issues,
** Yanks drop out early again. For all the talk about the pitching, ultimately it was the hitting which failed them. Teixeira, A-Rod and Swisher were completely unproductive. There they were, #'s 4,5 &6 breaking up rallies and ending innings.
** Tampa went down easily since they couldn't count on Texas to fail to hit with runners in scoring position. Detroit could, and are now fighting to get into the World Series.
** I have never been a fan of Jim Leyland, and I do not understand how the Tigers got this far. In the ALCS he's made several questionable moves, blown his bullpen apart and dragged 133 pitches out of his ace, Justin Verlander, pretty much eliminating any possibility of his contribution for the rest of the series. I love his press conferences though. No explanation of his moves, just the same basic statements: "This move worked (or didn't work), but we're here and we'll keep playing." Ready-made prediction of failure.
** As disappointing as the Yankees' season ended, the Phillies' end might be catastrophic. So, another fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants genius, Charlie Manuel bites the dust.
** Hopefully, the Brewers will end up in the World Series, otherwise we will see ,more of Tony LaRussa than most of his players. Win or lose, he will be out to show everyone what a 'smart' manager he is. He will make some of the weirdest (or craziest) decisions. Anything so people will be talking about him and not the game.
"A Boston Globe report says the September collapse of the Red Sox is partly due to pitchers Beckett, Lester and Lackey eating fried chicken during games.At least they were putting something across the plate." -- RJ Currie
"The man accused of leaking nude photos of Scarlett Johansson could face up 21 years in prison. The man pleaded "totally worth it." -- Conan O'Brien
Headline at SportsPickle.com: "Jose Reyes wins Bush League batting title."
In my next post, I'll discuss my two favorite subjects: The Yanks and the Red Sox.
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