Sunday, June 12, 2011


It was easier than when we used to watch John Wayne do it in the movies. Teixeira was no factor, nor was Russell Martin. The other seven starters divided up 18 hits, led by Curtis Granderson's 4-4. And they did it without a home run. Cleveland is not going to win the AL Central, but they have some good young players.
One of the Yanks hits came on a ground ball that almost hit the first baseman in the face and Cleveland got a hit when a ball ate up Jeter. Maybe I'm just a grouchy old man (which Annie-O agrees with), but these guys are Major Leaguers and should be catching balls hit right at them, even if they hit a pebble or the edge of the turf. How can you justify not calling them errors? Annie-O has come up with a designation that I can live with: the F.A.H. - Field Assisted Hit.
I don't think Jeter is going to get his 3000th hit at home. Seven hits in four games is asking a lot, but it's possible.
Speaking of fights, the Yankee hitters have been plunked 8 times in this homestand, while retaliating only once. The Yanks are second in the Majors in hit batsmen with 33. Only the White Sox have been hit more often with 40, probably because opposing pitchers really want to hit Ozzie Guillen but he won't come out of the dugout. The Yanks are going to have to do more than just have the whole team waltz out onto the field to exchange pleasantries with the other side or this isn't going to go away. By the way, Boston pitchers lead the league, hitting 40 opposing hitters. I'm sure that's a surprise.

There are rumors that one National League team, probably the Houston Astros, will be moved to the AL, giving both leagues 15 teams. This means inter-league play will be a season-long event. Then there are two schools of thought on the league set-up: two 15-team leagues with the top five qualifying for the post season with a wild card play-in, or continuing with 3 divisions in each league with the additional wild card play-in. All this is supposed to correct the injustice of one or two teams in the AL East not getting into the playoffs because of the Yanks & the Red Sox. If that's the case, why not just assign Boston & New York to playoff spots and take the next four teams with the best record? That's what the networks want anyway.

"Jordan Matechuk, a long snapper for the CFL's Hamilton Tiger-Cats, was arrested at the Canada-U.S. border packing 543 steroid pills, authorities day. Coincidence? His first practice snap split the uprights." -Dwight Perry
"LeBron James is opening a “luxury lifestyle” store called Unknwn. Someone needs to tell LeBron that while there is no “I” in team there is still an “o” in unknown." -Brad Dickson
" Mennonite-based Goshen (Ind.) College will no longer play "The Star-Spangled Banner" before games because of complaints it went against the school's pacifist philosophy.
As if the baseball team's 10-41 record left any doubt."
-Dwight Perry
"After his confession Monday, Anthony Weiner announced Saturday that he has requested a leave of absence from Congress while he enters rehab at an undisclosed location. So congratulations to all those who had “five days” in the pool. And what made Weiner decide to enter rehab? Repairing his image, redemption, or the chance to meet and tweet Lindsay Lohan?" -Janice Hough


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