Friday, June 10, 2011

I Can't Help Myself

In a stunning development in NewtWorld, all of Newt's senior campaign staff resigned in protest of Newt's decision to vacation in Greece with his current wife, Callista, rather than remain on the campaign trail. I, for one, wholeheartedly endorse Newt's decision. It is far safer for Newt to risk a four hour erection than an 18 month election.

In his defense, Newt said that policy breakthroughs require time to think. Again, Newt is correct in suggesting that very little thinking is occurring in the current GOP campaign.

Admittedly, I'm sad to see The Newt go down in flames, taking relevancy of the coveted NEWT's with him. Fortunately, there are so many Pawlentys, Bachmans, and Romneys to choose from.

And now for the Race That Matters -

NY Yankees 33-27 .550
Detroit 34-28 .548
Tampa Bay 33-29 .532
Seattle 33-31 .508
Toronto 33-31 .508

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