Sunday, August 16, 2009


You have probably guessed that it's Vod's posting, but it isn't.

Picasner has defended the Yanks high payroll in past postings (BEST TEAM MONEY CAN BUY) and now Madden has come forth with his opinion and some actual numbers in an article titled "Revenue Shearing":
He talks about how Indians president Paul Dolan, tried to justify trading their best pitcher and their best position player.
"After we traded Cliff, we made a commitment toward a new direction for the franchise," Dolan doublespoke. "We needed to make moves that put us in the best position to compete as soon as possible."
How dumb does he think Cleveland fans are? How are the Indians putting themselves in the best position to compete as soon as possible by trading two of their best players - who both were signed for next year for a total of less than $15 million? I guess it all depends on which set of books Dolan is looking at."

As for the Pittsburgh Pirates, they traded every player they had who made more money than the grill man at McDonalds, because they "couldn't afford them". While they were crying "poverty", owners Bob Nutting and Frank Connelly were receiving $75 million in luxury tax and revenue sharing to help offset their $48 million payroll. Which means they made a PROFIT of $27 million before they sold one ticket.

Last Saturday, Fox announced that home plate umpire, Jim Joyce, was 'miked'. Oh great, I thought. Now we'll get to see how these guys justify their sometimes unusual calls. No such luck.
With Joe Buck and Tim McCarver behind the microphones (but unfortunately not far enough behind), A-rod got buzzed high & tight and tried to take 1st only to be refused by the Ump. Buck & McCarver then replayed the audio of Joyce's call. "Foul ball! Foul ball! Hit the bat." Okay, I didn't like the call, but at least Joyce was decisive and quick. Later, Joyce dusted off the plate and carried on a conversation with catcher Martinez. Joe Buck actually noticed this and mentioned it. Did they replay that? Nope. Ramirez then hit A-Rod and was immediately tossed by Joyce, and here comes Manager Terry Francona to argue. "Why?" McCarver said. "That's what Francona is asking." Perfect, now we'll get some good use out of the microphone. Nope. Dead silence. They never even said why it wasn't broadcast. This really adds to the credibility of umpires. Not to mention Fox Network, Buck & McCarver.

A lunch with Vod and his handler usually turns into a laugh-fest, even when beer ISN'T involved. I would like to defend myself (and Annie-O) but sorry to say, it was all true. Annie is not a bad driver, but I did have to use my turn signal to drive out of my garage after she parked it. She can read a map, but quick decisions on turns usually come out: "LEFT! NO, RIGHT. LEFT! ...sorry!" and then we turn around.

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