Sunday, August 09, 2009

Fox Funnies

We all know that Fox News and its CEO Roger Ailes, former Republican hit man, have been nothing more than a propaganda machine for the right wing of the Republican Party (how redundant). Now, it seems, Fox Sports talking heads Joe (thank God Jack was my father) Buck and Tim McCarver (how does this bozo get work?) are no more than Boston Red Sox apologists. Their call of the game was completely Boston-centric and their amazement that head hunting Ramon Ramirez got tossed after hitting Alex Rodriguez was beyond disgusting. It simply didn't occur to either of those morons that Clay Buchholz, a blossoming Boston scumbag , had hit and nearly beaned A-rod in his first plate appearance with the only pitch that "slipped" in a 100+ plus performance. Surely, a second occurrence of head hunting must have been unintentional given the loving relationship that Boston has with Rodriguez. McCarver, in particular is beyond biased. When the hapless David Ortiz was called out earlier on a failed check swing, during the replay McCarver commented that it certainly looked like Ortiz had held up. If Ortiz had made contact with that "checked" swing he would be 2 for his last 23 instead of just one. Still, I blame myself for not muting the volume when these jerks broadcast a Yankee game. Add Joe Morgan to this group and voila - Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest.

The only questions are who will protect Yankee hitters, when, and which Boston lovely will take the brunt of the payback. Ellsbury is young, quick, and hard to hit. Pedroia is just too small of a target. Victor Martinez hasn't been with the super-juicers quite long enough to attract much attention. David Ortiz is now irrelevant. Mike Lowell is too old and slow. No challenge there, and J.D. Drew is too boring to bother with. Varitek is to valuable to the Yankees to risk injuring; he can't hit, the only guy in the league he can throw out is Hediki Matsui, and no one cares that "he calls a good game". Casey Kotchman tried to get hit but couldn't, so why help him out. Nick Green is both irrelevant and boring so he's off the hook. It looks like, once again, Kevin Youkilis had best not dig in to deeply at the plate. While his size 10 3/8 head is an enormous target offering little challenge to anyone with one good eye and half an arm, he remains the target of choice for those wishing to remind the Red Sox pitching staff to play nice.

The play of the game: Youkilis slides into 2nd with spikes high in an effort to take out Jeter on a Lowell grounder to 2nd. Jeter tags 2nd, jumps over Youkilis avoiding his extended spikes, lands, then throws to 1st doubling up the slothful Lowell. Best camera work of the game: shots of Youkilis in left field flexing his right knee after the high slide. You know he'll have pant legs sticking to that skin-burned knee for days. Ooze baby ooze.


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