Monday, August 03, 2009

The Dog Days?

Just stopped by to see what mischief our boy Picasner has been up to lately and am pleased to find that he's been hanging out on the sane side of the planet - except for his Hannah Storm obsession. Woof. There are two mitigating factors. It is the August "dog days" and apparently eyesight is the first thing to go.

Our hero just can't help himself from being wrong when using Joe Torre and bullpen in the same sentence. I am pleased that he conveniently overlooks not only the Yankees bullpen with 2 starters playing relief rolls and another headed for the pen shortly but also 65 LA wins. You make me proud son.

Tonight, John Kruk anointed the Yankees as, currently (!), the best team in baseball. I love the disclaimer, currently. Now John can anoint another team as, currently, the best at 60 second intervals. While I've always admired John for his blatant, boorish, stacatto drivel, this one's a beaut. Apparently Kruk believes that gaping holes in a starting rotation and a dysfunctional outfield are ingredients for the best team in baseball. Or, perhaps, it's the incredibly shrinking 1/2 game lead that tickles his over-inflated fancy. In any case, I thought he was usually wrong about everything and anything before this latest spout, and he has only confirmed my suspicions.

Once again, Bill Simmons, The Sports Guy, has acted in a manner most stand-up with the latest Ortiz and Manny reevaluations. Catch his podcast. It's well worth the listen. He's betting the farm that Boston will run Papelbon out of town when his contract is up and that Dana Bard is their future closer.

Check it out. Steinbrenner Corp. is barely playing .500 baseball in games that CC Pajamabathia starts. Not what they expected from their 28 gazillion dollar non-phenom.

Huge 9 day stretch starts Tuesday. I'll check in when it's over.

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