Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The organization as it is, not as it was.

Buster Olney did a great piece on ESPN tonight on the Yankees and the "Steinbrenner Doctrine" - that is, anything less than a World Series sin is failure and unacceptable. He expects Hank to follow in the footsteps of The Boss or , as I affectionately like to think of him - "The Dickwad" - and blow cash and draft picks for the immediately available free agents and gut the farm system for the next 5 - 7 years. Oh yeah, that's the strategy they've used to finally age and breakdown enough to not make the playoffs. Spell that Giambi, Pavano, Damon, Matsui, small-a-rod... ad nauseum.

Hey Hank, "Ha Ha"!

Buster found it interesting that neither Joe Torre nor Roger Clemens were even mentioned in the hours of "official" pre-game hype, and post game nostalgia. Well, Joe was only the manager of 4 World Series winners and Roger has been a very bad boy. The screwed over Yogi for years and Bernie for two, so why should those two clowns (Joe, who? Clemens? That Red Sox guy) currently exist?

So what do you think about the Administration, i.e. ex-Wall Street warrior Henry Paulson, instead of our D+ Yale student and cheer leader, President, bumblling, brush-cutter, G. Bush, telling us that we need a 4th branch of government, immediately, before it's to late, by the end of the week, and trust us with the details, well, except for the $700,000,000,000 (seven hundred billion - just about the same as the Pentagon) budget?

Now most Americans don't think this is such a big deal because, in a recent survey, two-thirds of Americans were unable to name the current three branches of government. Makes it easy to explain McCain and Palin. No - even that isn't sufficient to explain either of them.

Meet me in cognito.


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