Dear Chad,
Vacationing in Tampa Bay and enjoying the competition. Florida and Guatemala are currently in a heated Race to the Bottom. Guatemala is soon likely to be led by a hard-right storm-arm but Florida already has Gov. Rick Scott and Sen. Marco Rubio so they are safely ahead in the "Elected Thug"competition.
Guatemala leads in the "Most Under 30s Living in Poverty" and Florida, despite the best efforts of the aforementioned Scott and Rubio, is unlikely to challenge for the lead in this essential category. First, as we know, Florida is full of retired COPS (crazy old people) and Florida's under 30 population is very busy killing each other or leaving the state to distribute illegally obtained perscription drugs.
Finally, Florida trails badly in the "Infrastructure? We Don't Need No Stinking Infrastructure." competition. Unlike a Michigan city that recently not only turned off their street lights but ripped them out of the ground and sold them for scrap because they couldn't afford the light bill, a large part of Florida remains lighted - and Guatemala never has had street lights. USA! USA! USA!
When not watching the competition we are having a great time walking the beaches, hanging with old best friends, eating at fish shacks and dodging wacko drivers. Florida - a nice place to visit until the sea level rises.
Success with Honor
We all know about the depth of corruption that the tide of billions of dollars has washed over "big time" (read D1) college football and basketball, information that we typically choose to ignore when we trot off to the Dome or tune into the video feed of choice to watch our favorite gladiators. Now, Penn State is providing an opportunity for a clear look at the noxious lies, blind eyes and crininal acts that thrive in the bottomless sludge hidden by the ocean of cash. More entertainment brought to you by ABC, CBS, ESPN...2...U, NBC, TBS...
As you learn more and reach your own understanding of the circumstances, always imagine your ten year old son, grandson or neighborhood kid in a Penn State shower.
Meanwhile, as Penn State circles the wagons and hires the best lawyers and PR firms that television money can buy, the too-big-to-fail conferences are divvying up the country and future mountains of cash. Th SEC is buying branches in Syracuse and Pittsburg and the Big Ten, Twelve, Fourteen or whatever, may soon be big enough to host their own Sweet Sixteen. Regional and numeric designations in conference titles are moot. The money is not.
Act on your conscience and hit them where they hurt. Stay away from the arenas. Ignore them. Turn them off.
Wish you were here!
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