Monday, July 04, 2011


This may be the most telling sign of the beginning of Mariano's fade. Oh, he's not done, but he's not quite as overpowering as he has been in the past. He'll still get close to 40 saves this year and a bunch more next year to retire as the all-time save leader, and it's been a great run.

For those people who don't get to see a lot of baseball's best players, here's your chance to see them all on the field in one game. Except for those stars not chosen. Even though they have increased the roster to 30 players, there are still a number of players that the media thinks it's a shame they aren't on the team.
Michael Kay is appalled that Sabathia wasn't named, even though by rule he wouldn't be allowed to actually pitch. He has the numbers, but hasn't David Robertson been absolutely overpowering? Well, it's just an exhibition game, anyway. Oh wait, no, it isn't.

Bob Matthews came up with an interesting stat today. The Yanks and the Red Sox are a combined 43-11 in day games and 55-54 in night games and asks if there are any explanations. I think it's obvious: very few players with blue eyes.

The Seattle Mariners may not have one of the best teams in the league, but they sure are entertaining. In one week, they won a game on a wild pitch during an intentional walk, and lost one because an opposing player was walked with only three balls. It's hard to believe that with 4 umpires, 50 players and who knows how many fans, no one could keep track of the count.

If you happen to watch "Mike & Mike in the Morning" today, you got to see the play when Jose Reyes got the infield single on which he pulled his hamstring, 9 times in the space of twenty minutes. And you know what? The play never changed.

A question that has come up a lot in the last few weeks, is who has been more valuable during the Yankees run from 1996 to present, Mariano Rivera or Derek Jeter? Good question, and I would go with Rivera. One good argument is the Yanks record since Jeter has been out. Rivera's failure yesterday shows you how valuable the ability to close out the game is.

"Kim Kardashian has set a wedding date — early August. She doesn't know who she's marrying yet, but between the NFL lockout and the NBA lockout, she knows there are plenty of available grooms." - Brad Dickson
"In 2011, Nathan’s will add a special “women-only” division for their annual hot dog eating contest. Maybe next year if they really want to get increased media attention they could add a “supermodel” category – the winner would be the first to finish a cocktail weiner."
- Janice Hough
"FC Rossiyanka, a Russian women's soccer power, announced it will play in bikinis to attract male fans. Which certainly answers the question: Who wants to be first string?"
"Yineth Varon, a backup goalkeeper for Colombia, failed a drug test at the Women's World Cup and was suspended by FIFA on Tuesday. Officials figured something was awry when her first goal kick came down on the 50-yard line — two stadiums away."
- Dwight Perry

Continuing our tour of the alphabet:
Outfielders - Kosuke Fukudome (Be careful with that last name)
Shin Soo Choo (God bless you)
Brian Bogusevic (The first name almost disqualified him)
Catchers - Yorvit Torrealba (Consider that last name: Joe Torre and Jessica Alba?)
Jarrod Saltalamacchia ((The back of his uniform says, "Continued on next jersey)
Picasner's choice: Yorvit Torrealba (Vod doesn't like long names)
Pitchers - Chris Jakubauskas (Yea! another 11 letter name)
Yhency Brazoban (The first name looks for all the world like a typo)
Al Alburquerque (Twelve letters - he's the winner!)
[My spell-checker just went into overload]


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