Thursday, April 14, 2011

Barry & George - RIP

I was saddened to read that Chad suggested that the Bonds and Simpson cases were in any way analogous. Clearly he did not intend to equate a double homicide with the charges Bonds faced, only that both defendants had the resources to mount a defense. The Bonds' prosecution didn't face a resource problem either, spending over $50,000,000 of our money in a largely futile pursuit of what?

A more apt comparison of cases would be Bonds and George Steinbrenner. Both were found guilty of obstruction of justice, although, never willing to settle for second best, George has, unlike Bonds, the added distinction of a second conviction, making illegal campaign contributions.

But enough, there's no winners in any of this. Baseball owners have been giving fans the finger for decades and now players are rich enough to do likewise. There are no heroes in this multi-billion dollar comedy of bulbously blown up bodies, freak-sized heads, liars, almost-apologists, guys who aren't here to talk about the past, and the myriad of others who weren't asked what they stuck in their rears.

For the time being, I'll watch the Stanley Cup playoffs, ride, play golf and wait for the NCAA professional football and basketball seasons. Now that's where there's some real money.

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