The front office says it's because they won it all last year and indications are that the team is even better this year. Right. You, ah, don't think it had anything to do with cutting ticket prices again, do you? Actually, they deny cutting prices that much. What they did do was to "rename" some of the highest cost seats to a lower echelon level, so they 'didn't really cut that many prices.' Oh. I wonder if there's an all-star game for marketing geniuses.
At least the team is. Gathering around Hideki Matsui as a team when he was called out to receive his championship ring was terrific. The fans followed up by giving Hideki a standing ovation his first time up. This made me nervous since Matsui is well-known for performing in crucial and emotional situations. I was waiting for a homer, but he had a tough day at the plate (0-5). I didn't think too much of the 'fake ring' trick they pulled on Swisher and Matsui.
# Milton Bradley hit a homer yesterday, so the Mariners must have known what they were doing in their little meeting.
# Big Papi (David Ortiz) is coming under a lot of fire because of his slow start again this year. Francona's not ready to pull the plug yet, but Ortiz has to hit for the Sox to be any kind of threat, especially since he's in the middle of the lineup.
# Panic sets in early when the managers contract is in its last year. Dave Trembly of the Orioles and Ron Washington of the Rangers are both aware that their jobs are on the line and that management may not wait till the end of the year. So when the closers for each team struggled...Bam! They were out. Pretty bad when you can't count on being given a chance beyond the first 5 games of the season. I'll bet all the players on both teams are on edge.
# The Astros have started the season 0-7, or as Janice Hough says, "Houston, we have a problem."
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