Friday, April 09, 2010


Joe West continues to take heat from just about everybody about his remarks concerning the slow play of the Yanks & Red Sox. Even stone-faced Mariano Rivera was upset enough to say that, "...if he's got someplace to go, let him go, otherwise, he should just do his job." I have a suggestion as to where Joe should go. Umpire Angel Hernandez did it right by refusing to blanketly allowing time-outs by hitters, well within the rules. Big shot Joe West refused to let Hernandez comment because he wanted to be the lone voice and not take the chance that another umpire would disagree with him.
Players & managers are forbidden to criticize an umpire's performance, are fined or suspended when they do and the disciplinary action is announced. Let's see what, if anything, happens to Joe.
I'm okay, now. ....maybe.

Yes, it's way too early for value judgements, but here's what I noticed.
Nick & Nick at bat: According to ESPN, these two guys (Johnson & Swisher) saw 130 pitches in Boston. That's what beats up starting pitchers and it worked in Boston.
Granderson with the bat: He's got power and should be pretty scary in Yankee stadium, but...he still looks pathetic against lefties.
Yankee pitching: The starters looked a little shaky, but the bullpen was lights-out.
1-2-3-4: The top of the Yankee lineup didn't do much. Luckily, neither did Big Papi.

From Janice Hough: "Umpire Joe West has complained publicly about the Red Sox and Yankees' slow play during their opening series, when all the games went almost four hours. On the other hand, considering the ticket prices at Fenway, maybe the teams felt like they were just trying to reduce the entertainment cost per minute."
Len Berman on the Mets' newest radio sponsor: "Ace Bandages and Braces...Honest. What took 'em so long?"
David Thomas of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: " Unless you want to wind up as a courtroom witness, don't walk into the Pitts. Steelers' locker room and ask a player what he did in the off-sesaon."


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