Hooray! Now we'll be able to see the whole game, because...wait, I spoke too soon. Selig and Fox Network are so proud to announce that they are working on a plan to start the WS games early. Instead of first pitch at 8:20 PM, they'll start at 8:00PM, or maybe even 7:50 PM. Wow! Now I'll be able to see the first two outs in the 6th inning before I pass out from exhaustion (or boredom). This is like begging your boss for a raise and having him tell you to take an extra 10 minutes for lunch. Big deal.
It's always about the money, and Fox, in their greediness, can't find enough ways to milk those pennies from baseball's loyal fans (notice I did not mention the "loyal" owners). Extended times between innings, TV timeouts, even delaying the next pitch so they can get in the requisite 5 replays of the previous home run. When did they start interviewing the managers from the dugout in the middle of the game? Obvious questions followed by obvious answers. "Your pitcher had kind of a rough inning there, didn't he Skipper?" What do they expect him to say? "Are you kidding? He sucked. I didn't just pull him, I sent his sorry ass to Double A!" In two years, they'll probably have a field reporter stationed right behind the mound. "Yeah, he's in big trouble right now, Tim. Just a minute, I'll ask him what he's going to throw next."
I'll say it one more time: Weekend games in the afternoon, weekday games START (first pitch) at 7:00 PM. AND NO EXTRA DAYS OFF WITHIN A SERIES! Is anyone even listening?
This description from a list of baseball's WORST announcers:
3. Joe Morgan:" Stubbornly refuses to admit that there's anything to the game of baseball more important than "heart." Laughs off statistics as irrelevant. Still carries grudges from his playing days. Like Bill Walton and other ex-jocks, views every player in comparison to his era -- and strangely enough, nobody ever comes close. Inspired one of the great sports blogs of this decade, but has unfortunately outlasted it." (The blog is firejoemorgan.com)
If he's number 3, you have to wonder who could possibly be numbers 1 & 2 (Tom Carvel and Helen Keller, come to mind). Actually, #1 is Billy Packer and that's hard to argue with. He used to team with Al McGuire, who is STILL a better announcer and he passed away 8 years ago.
It's still early in the season, so Picasner will try to watch another game at 1:00 today, hopefully with better results.
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