The Yanks continue to look good after the All-Star break. Or is it that the Twins just look bad? For three games we've listened to "...the Twins way", their method of playing the game: move the runners, run the bases, don't give up outs. But what have we seen? Fielders throwing to the wrong base, pitchers not covering 1st, infielders who forget the number of outs, fielders not catching throws. If this is what they teach from the low minors on up, somebody's got it backwards. I certainly expect better mechanics from a team fighting for the Central Division lead. This series looked like two teams heading in the opposite direction.
Can someone explain to me what a "Jeterian Swing" is? Is that where a right-handed hitter bounces one to the second baseman or flies out to right? C'mon guys, enough of the hero worship,
Bobby Meecham continues to be aggressive coaching third. Aggressive? Is someone feeding him raw meat between innings? Hey, it's okay to hold someone up at third; he's goning to get someone killed out there.
Is Michael Kay really trying to talk Al Leiter into returning? I remember Al's last year: afraid to throw the ball over the plate. Al, stay in the booth where you represent the voice of reason working next to Michael Kay, king of the bad question.
"Al, did you get mad when batters took close pitches that were called balls?" How does anyone answer that? There was a pause, while I believe Leiter was spitting on Michael.
They keep talking about telling Cano it's the 2nd half of the season to eliminate that slump in the beginning. You're not going to fool anyone with that. I'll tell you how to solve it: have the All-Star game the 2nd week of April.
Boston, and a good idea of how the Yankee season will go, is next.
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