Wednesday, July 30, 2008


To paraphrase: "Just when we thought we were up, they drag us back down". What good is an 8-game winning streak if you follow up with a 3-game losing streak. The 2008 Yanks made another appearance last night, giving up big hits and not getting any themselves. Our two new acquistions are doing well: One allows a back-breaking inning, the other strikes out with men on base. Truthfully, Nady looks lost out there. I don't know if he's trying too hard or he's not used to playing in the "Majors" with all that pressure; or they said last night: "I'm not in Pittsburgh anymore".

A-Rod is being hit an awful lot, lately, and Jeter isn't. I wonder if that has anything to do with batting averages. I disagreed with Cabrerra being tossed last night, but maybe it will eliminate some bruises for A-Rod.

The Cubbies seemed determined to let Milwaukee know who's the boss, beating Sabathia and Sheets on succesive nights.

Not only did the Yanks win 2 out of 3 in Boston, it seems they infected the Sox with Yankee-itis: Not hitting in the clutch and an exploding pitching staff. If Manny really is just trying for BIG money (like $20 million isn't enough), trotting down to 1st on line drives to outfielders and on double play grounders isn't the way to do it. Sagging career numbers isn't helping either.

It's a good time for the Angels (also know as The Los Angeles Angels of LA But Playing In Anaheim In Central California...or something) to get hot. They play in Yankee Stadium Thursday thru Sunday. Picasner will be cowering in a corner with his "banky" clutched to his face and his thumb in his mouth. If the Yanks don't win at least 3 of the next 5, my next blog will be a picture of a noose.

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