Friday, May 25, 2012


## The Yanks are on the west coast to play the Oakland A's and then the Angels. Historically, they have not done well out there, but they better start putting together a couple of win streaks. As Yogi once said, "It gets late early out there."

## A-Rod slugged two home runs on Wednesday. The Yes team aired a quote from him saying that he felt he was ready to go on a tear.  Makes for a good story, but I have to wonder how long they've been sitting on that quote, waiting for the home runs.

## This happens all the time and it kills me: Former major-leaguer Chad Curtis has been arrested and charged with Criminal Sexual misconduct. Now Chad played for the Angels, the Tigers, the Dodgers, the Indians and the Rangers, yet the headline for the article read, "Ex-Yank Chad Curtis..."  They had 6 choices and they chose ex-Yankee. They could have even said 'Journeyman Curtis', but no, it had to be the Yanks.

## Brett Gardner, who went to the minors to rehab his wrist and stayed to rehab his elbow, has re-injured that elbow. Is anybody watching out what goes on down there? It's not supposed to be serious and will only cost a few more days, but I'm beginning to think Gardner needs a body guard.

## Curt Schilling has been working hard on his video game enterprise, 38 Studios,  and couldn't even attend the anniversary celebration for Fenway Park because of "business concerns." Alas, it hasn't worked out as Schilling's company has suspended operations and defaulted on a $75 million bailout that was guaranteed by the state of Rhode Island and it's Govenor, Lincoln Chafee. In a final cost-cutting effort, Schilling has laid off all 400 employees. As a goodwill gesture however, the employees were all given a commemorative Bloody Sock as separation pay.

## The NFL is going to allow nicknames on the back of the players jerseys next year.  Sounds like fun, but I'll bet there will be some abuses. Some years ago, MLB decided to do that and sure enough, some people took advantage. Andy Messerschmidt of the Atlanta Braves, convinced MLB that his nickname was "Channel" and had that sewn on his jersey right above his number - 17. Everything was fine for a couple of weeks till they realized that the Braves games were being televised on Ted Turner's superstation - Channel 17 - in Atlanta. I'll bet Charley Finley wished he had thought of that one.

"Once-intimidating Tiger Woods is reduced to making headlines when he survives a cut: Woods has gone from Jack Nicklaus to Danica Patrick."  -- Janice Hough
"Eugene Polley, inventor of the TV remote control, has died at age 96. Couch potatoes immediately honored him with a mute-button moment of silence."  -- Dwight Perry
"The NY Post reports Rex Ryan has lost 90 pounds. But enough about his ego."  -- RJ Currie
"One of the Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear At A Barbecue: "Hello 9-1-1? It's me again"  -- David Letterman
"Danica Patrick won't compete in the Indianapolis 500 this year. It'll be quite an adjustment for home viewers to not have the cameras tracking the car in 23rd place for the entire race."  -- Brad Dickson
"Eugene Polley invented the TV remote control. He will be buried between two couch cushions."  -- David Letterman


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