Wednesday, May 23, 2012


## The Yanks broke out of their slump of hitting with runners in scoring position, getting two of them last night. Before you get too excited, consider this: the first hit was a bunt single, the second, a bloop hit to right center. That's not going to put any fear in the minds of the opposing pitchers.

## The Yanks won the game 3-2, but is Girardi serious about handling the bullpen like this? One pitcher for every hitter? Sure, why not wear out everybody?  We'll see if this trend continues tonight. It will unless the Yanks can score 7 or 8 runs. Sorry, I lost my head.

## Headline on ESPN: "DICKEY LOOKING FOR EXTENSION" I read the article, looking for a wardrobe tip, instead it was about baseball.

## Chris Perez may have been right. The first place Cleveland Indians played before a "crowd" of 15,000 fans last night, one-third the capacity of the stadium. They had no hard feelings, though, they gave Perez a standing ovation when he came in to close out the game.  Afterwards, Perez graciously thanked the fans --individually.

## Mike Tyson debuted his two-hour show in Las Vegas this weekend. Two hours! Personally, I would have lost interest after, "And here he is, Mike Tyson."

## In the (Yawn) Roger Clemens trial, the jurors submitted 29 questions they wanted to ask Brian McNamee, including, "Why should we believe you?"  29 questions when the only one  they should have asked is, "Why are we still here?"

## A jersey worn by Babe Ruth was sold for $4.1 million. I'm not sure you can believe in it's authenticity, when the only proof they offer, are the mustard and beer stains on the front of the jersey.

## Buster Olney says that Theo Epstein is working hard to improve the Cubs.  All he lacks to make them competitive is 4 or 5 young pitchers and 5 or 6 position players. Is that all?  Cub fans are saying, "We knew that. How much are they paying him?"

## According to the Brookings Institute, Dallas' Cowboy's Stadium is the largest domed stadium in the world, and is responsible for 6.2% of all global warming. I wonder how much that number goes up when Jerry Jones is in the building?

"Chad, you're 68? Then you must know that Whitey Ford is not the name of the car Bobby Richardson drove."  -- TC Chong   [Thanks, Tony]
"It's such a busy time for the Kardashians right now with the show starting and the NBA playoffs, which as you know is their prime mating season."  -- Jimmy Kimmel
"In 1937, Bill Veeck planted vines against the outfield wall of Wrigley Field, to increase the property value, and, in 1988, lights were added to help ballpark custodians find chewing gum stuck under bleacher seats."  -- Norman Chad
"Lone awake juror to decide Roger Clemens' fate."
"On Tommy John's 69th birthday: "Do young people know he was a pitcher and not an orthopedic surgeon?"  -- Len Berman
"Nearly four tons of marijuana bales worth $3.6 million were discovered bobbing in the Pacific Ocean 13 miles off the Southern California coast on Sunday. Police say they have no suspects, though three Dana Point surfers broke the world record in the 20,000-meter freestyle trying to get to it."  -- Dwight Perry
"Not saying tonight’s game five between the Heat and the Pacers was rough,  but the winner may be sanctioned by the WWE."  -- Janice Hough


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