Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From Moscow with Love

Comrade Chadski,

Why do you rant about our agent, Comrade McCarverski, that we have creatively placed deep within Fox "News"? Thanks to Comrade Tim and pretty sidekick LoverBoy Buckov, we now have many Americanskis attentively listening to incessant babble from our many other deliverers of lies, jibberish, and balderdashness that stupid listeners believe is "news". Please, do not draw attention to McCarverski's hallucinations or some Americanskis might understand he is out of same mold we use to produce Herr Beckski, Comrade Hannityski, and our other "news" guys at Fox.

Otherwise, we have place for you in stalag, gulag, or RNC.

Your Budski,
Comrade Vodovich

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