- Mariners add veteran slugger for pennant push -
Pennant push? They're in last place, 14 games out. Doesn't the GM ever look at the standings?
- Ozzie Guillen calms down Carlos Zambrano -
Apparently, Ozzie took Carlos to dinner to discuss his latest blowup. Zambrano plays for the Cubs, who Ozzie hates. Ozzie has never given an interview without at least two dozen *bleeps*. What were they really doing, comparing notes?
- Jackson's '84 Victory Tour glove sells for $190k -
...and no, Manny Ramirez didn't buy it, but it might have helped.
- Girardi says Burnett to stay in the rotation -
I had to read this one three times. I still don't believe it.
- A-Rod has dinner at Joe Torre's house -
Okay, I made this one up.
It was really lunch.
- It's a stupid game anyway -
This is an actual headline in the NY Post, along with many, many puns about the USA's loss to Ghana in the World Cup. Not too much in the way of sour grapes there, especially after all the hype Team USA received after they advanced to the 2nd round.
If the game is boring, and Joe Morgan's not around to amuse you, just bring oil and water into the booth. Yesterday, Joe Buck & Tim McCarver had Reggie Jackson & Tommy Lasorda in for a little "friendly" rivalry. Oops, big mistake. BIG MISTAKE! Lasorda had a 33-year old burr in his saddle and absolutely refused to let it go. He called Reggie names, insulted him and the Yankees and even claimed that he told his shortstop he should have hit Reggie in the head.
This was about the incident in the World Series when Reggie got in the way of a throw to first and got away with it. Apparently, Lasorda is still incensed about it. I suppose no Dodger player ever broke a rule and got away with it. Tommy also said that if he was pitching to Reggie, he'd knock him on his back. All of this said in a very serious manner. Reggie tried to cool things off by making a few half-hearted attempts to explain his actions and even tried to kid Tommy out of it, but Lasorda would have none of it. Every now & then, Joe Buck tried to bring a little order while McCarver just stood there with a stupid grin on his face. McCarver also claimed that he knew this would happen all along. In the end, Lasorda almost had to be forced at gunpoint to hug Reggie when it was over.
Shame on Buck & McCarver (and Fox Network) for letting it go on so long. Lasorda came off as an obsessed, bitter old man and may have his destroyed his image as an ambassador of goodwill for baseball.
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