Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hail to the Chief

Thank you, Roy Halladay, today and everyday you shut down the Dark Side of the Farce.

Thank you Tom Watson for the most memorable British Open I have ever seen.

Thank you, Tiger Woods, for not making the cut and taking your on-course club throwing tantrums and foul mouth elsewhere. It was a more civil tournament without you.

Thank you Mark Sanford, John Ensign, Chip Pickering, Jeff Sessions, Lindsey Graham and all the boys at the Prayer House for creating a monument to Republican Hypocrisy. Hey, John, how about spotting us $96 Gs to forget your name?

Thank you Jason Bay for going in the tank with a current .255 BA. I wish you .240.

Than you Theo Epstein for counting on a post-juicing David Ortiz and a forever-young Jason Varitek, for believing that J D Drew was the answer to any problem, and failing to acquire a shortstop over the past several years. Makes for a pennant race.

Hey, Picasner, get busy.


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