Sunday, January 25, 2009


***Picasner is not even waiting to read all the ESPN writers on this one. Mr. Torre has written a book, "The Yankee Years", in which he trashes everyone from George on down. According to excerpts in the NY Post, Torre had some pretty harsh things to say:
**"Teammates called A-Rod, A-Fraud." Yeah, we needed to know that.
**"A-Rod had an obsession with Jeter." And you didn't?
**"The Yanks were full of prima-donnas." Obviously including the manager.
**"Management didn't like his choice of players." But you got them & won with them didn't you? ...Oh wait, you didn't win.
**"Cashman 'sabotaged' him." Like getting you the players you wanted?
**"The front office didn't tell him everything." What, they didn't tell you about the company picnic?

What a fine example of a "player's manager"!! If a player said those things about torre (You don't deserve a capital T anymore), you can be sure there would be some fines levied. I suppose it's okay once you leave a team to bad mouth everybody. Yeah, the Yanks were horrible to you, joe. For years, you were baseball's highest paid manager by a long shot. Then they had the nerve to 'insult' you by offering only $5 million. At your last salary meeting, you claim that Brian Cashman never spoke up and said you wanted a 2-year deal, instead he sat there mute. Weren't you mute, too?
If I was negotiating my salary, I'd sure want to contribute.

No more respect from Picasner for you, joe. torre will never be mentioned by Picasner again.

Lest you think this diatribe is limited to torre, let me make one more point. I would feel this way about anyone that would take advantage his position to write such an expose', especially when the people you trashed (& you) were still very much involved in the game. Divorces don't have to be so mean-spirited. Remember, you didn't have to stay and put up with all that 'mistreatment'; you could have left the spotlight (& the millions) and quit.

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