Tuesday, November 04, 2008


This will be the start of Picasner's Platform - issues that need to be addressed.

It is an exhibition and should have no bearing on the home field advantage for the World Series. Eliminate the "every team represented" rule. Let's have the best players. Managers should have at least two pitchers in reserve through the 9th inning in case of a tie score. Players will wear their respective teams uniform, no generic all-star uniform, this way, a player will be more easily recognized and his team will get some recognition (The home/away uniforms as appropriate). Designated hitter ALWAYS, regardless of the game location. The pitchers generally don't hit anyway.

This will be determined based on the total record of inter-league play. The league with the most wins, gets home field. Isn't this the most logical thing?

Umpires will NOT prolong arguments. He may not follow a player or advance toward him . "Showing up" an umpire, such as pointing at the plate disputing a ball/strike call, is no reason for an ejection. Obviously, a player or manager cannot touch an umpire or vice-versa. An umpire will be required to do eveything in his power to keep a player in the game. Players should be allowed to argue calls, even if they are just venting. Upon review of any ejection, if it is determined that an umpire overstepped his bounds, the umpire will be suspended for an appropriate time.

Next: Scheduling

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