Saturday, September 12, 2009


We finally got into a motel with computer access for the guests. We haven't been able to see any of the games, which is a good thing since VOD has lost two straight.

To hear the guys on ESPN rave on and on about Jeter, I was beginning to think he plays shortstop in sandals.I'm not sure why they make such a big deal over a TEAM record. It's not there hasn't been dozens of guys with 2700+ hits. Oh well, it makes the Bimb happy.

Speaking of which, she insists on announcing speed limit changes, approaching route junctions, approaching towns, as though Stevie Wonder was driving and not me. I started out with a navigator and have ended up with a nag-a-gator. Only one day of rain so far, and it's 90 degrees here now.

All is well. Talk to you later.

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