Thursday, February 19, 2009


Picasner has said he wouldn't bring up the A-Rod fiasco unless something NEW surfaced. Well, it hasn't, but that doesn't stop the media. On and on they go, rehashing the same old stuff. Both NY rags devoted two full pages to A-Rod, and, after reading through it all, I discovered ONE thing: steroids are bad. Thank you very much.

It also seems that every move A-Rod makes is bad, according to the media. After the Gammons interview, they all said that A-Rod told us nothing. There are all kinds of questions he didn't answer: "what did he take, how did he use it, who did he get it from". OK, fair enough. At his press conference, he revealed all that and the media promptly jumped on him again. "He didn't go far enough, what was the cousin's name, he wasn't credible". Now, they're saying he should have just shut up after the Gammons interview. Can someone make up their minds?

A-Rod's no angel and he has the kind of personality and facial expressions that make you question if he's being truthful when he tells you his name, but this is nothing new. Can we please just give it a rest unless there is really something new? This is spring training; let's hear about some baseball. You remember baseball: that's what they do when they're not shooting up.

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